Coffee has long been the preferred drink of choice for many of us upon opening our eyes in the morning. It is the drink that has made coffee shops and cafes needed and profitable businesses across the country and the world. Many of us who drink coffee love it for its taste, the different variations of brewing, and of course the instant energy boost.
When we wake up, we feel groggy and sleep is still in our eyes. When we take a cup of joe, we become bubbly and go about our duties with ease. One thing about coffee is that it contains high amounts of caffeine which is why the energy boost we experience are usually short-lived.
Many of us do experience high and lows especially when it comes to moods and this is all attributed to the caffeine in our coffee.
But, what is caffeine exactly?
According to Professor Susan Roberts, caffeine was first discovered in 1821 in Ethiopia. The Ethiopians were able to observe that the animals were more energetic after consuming leaves from a particular shrub.
On further investigation, it led to the revelation of what today is known as caffeinated coffee.
Caffeine is a plant product stimulant found in coffee beans, tea, soft drinks, cocoa, chocolate and other substances that when consumed ensures periodic energy boost for the user.
What this means is that you will feel energized in a short period of time after consuming caffeine. You will have the ability of accomplishing different tasks and projects with ease thanks to the energy boost you received from your choice of caffeine.
For more information on caffeine content in different brands of coffee, take a look at this page:
After a short duration, when the caffeine loses its luster you will experience a low moment which will prompt you that it's time for another caffeine fix.
This is how the cycle of drinking coffee plays into your everyday life which leads to many people being addicted to caffeine.
Image Credit: Caffeine Informer
The Caffeine Informer has a great quiz to see just how addicted to caffeine you really are! I scored 8 out of 10...highly addicted to caffeine and need it to function normally.
Note: Just keep in mind that the quiz is for informational purposes and is not a professional diagnosis of caffeine addiction.
What does caffeine do to the body?
When you drink a cup of coffee, the brain sends a message to the pituitary gland. This in turn releases a hormone which informs the adrenal gland to release adrenaline and cortisol.
These hormones are known as feel good hormones and this is why when you drink coffee, you experience a sudden energy boost.
This is the same experience when one is confronted by danger. Your body is able to respond to the situation in a manner it would not be able to do so in normal circumstances. Thank the adrenaline hormone for saving you!
Note: This is as a result of your adrenals being weakened so they cannot respond adequately.
Does caffeine in your coffee give your energy?
Have you ever taken time to think how long caffeine takes in your body? Have you ever thought about what actually transpires in the body after you drink coffee?
When you take your first sip, the caffeine in the coffee easily passes through body membranes entering your bloodstream. This starts from the lining of your mouth to the throat and the stomach.
This is why you experience a sudden energy boost even from the first sip!
The life-cycle of a cup of caffeine
What you need to know is that it only takes a total of 45 minutes for 99% of the caffeine in the coffee you just took to be absorbed into the membranes.
According to, caffeine has a half life of 4 to 6 hours. This explains why the effects of coffee last for the same stated period.
Other factors that may affect this are:
When caffeine enters the bloodstream, it is immediately metabolized by the liver and converted into theophylline, theobromine and paraxanthine.
From there, they travel throughout the body where theophylline helps to relax the muscles and theobromine increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients used by the brain and muscles.
All in all, it can be said that caffeine does indeed give us coffee drinkers an energy boost... but it is only temporary...until our next caffeine fix.
On a brighter note (I guess), lower amounts of caffeine consumed will NOT result in an energy boost.
When one consumes 3 mg of caffeine per kg of body weight which is equivalent to 1 ½ cups of brewed coffee, it will not produce that energizing effect.
In the end, it depends on your caffeine intake, if you are looking for that energy boost, you might have to double the amount stated above.
How else does coffee affect the body?
The same effects associated with energy boost brought about by drinking coffee have been broadly documented.
Researchers have been able to find out that caffeine helps to increase metabolic rate, increases fat oxidation and results in jitteriness and sleeplessness.
A note about the "feel good hormone" dopamine
It has been found that dopamine, which is a feel good hormone, affects the levels of concentration. It blocks adenosine receptors located in the basal forebrain.
These are known to signal the brain when to go to bed...especially when they are not impeded by substances like caffeine.
The caffeine in coffee has also been found to increase the release of catecholamines through the sympathetic nervous system. This is why you get to experience your heart beating faster as blood is sent to the muscles around the body.
Furthermore, it signals your liver to release more sugar into the bloodstream which results in an energy boost.
It encourages the muscles to contract through the fibers which release calcium ions and reduce the maximum exertion that a given exercise needs.
When this occurs it increases intracellular substrate availability providing fuel for the body which in turn improves energy levels.
Final Thoughts
Coffee is great! As long as we are aware that our beloved coffee contains caffeine and is considered highly addictive...we can moderate the amount we drink to accommodate the energy boost required for our daily needs.
As stated earlier, caffeine itself has a half life of 4 to 6 hours. When in the body, it improves oxygen levels to the brain and muscles.
It also boosts the production of adrenaline and cortisol, the feel good hormones which relax you. This is why you experience energy boost and feel relaxed during the day.
It comes down to being a personal choice regarding the amount of caffeine/coffee you consume throughout the day.
Hopefully this article will help you decide the caffeine level that is right for you. The decision you make towards your well being of health and life should be made carefully and with a sound mind.
We are taking a poll on how addicted you are to caffeine for an upcoming article and would love for you to take the quiz here and state your results in the comments below.